Registered Charity no. 218341  |   Telephone: 01872 225 868


Registered Charity no. 218341  |  01872 225 868  |


Deafness, the hidden disability


Educate and inform

Sitting in front of speakers at a rock concert can expose you to 120 decibels, which will begin to damage your hearing in only 7 1/2 minutes.

More young people than ever are suffering with tinnitus and potential deafening through unrestrained use of MP3 players, Ipods and personal stereos. With the increased use of modern technology, we are planning to launch a programme devised for creating awareness, among the younger population, about risks to their hearing.

"Despite being one of the senses that helps us to identify our very being, while blindness is pitied, deafness is often scorned! You will not hear a blind person being told that “they only see what they want to see”, yet a deaf person will frequently be told that "they only hear what they want to hear.  Many d/Deaf still do not like to identify themselves as being deaf due to this continuing stigmatisation, perhaps due to a presumption of rudeness, diminishing of authority and historic bullying. Deaf people have become used to being ignored. It is against this background that we, at Hearing Loss Cornwall, act as the voice of the d/Deaf world."

Privacy Policy

We seek to hold only such personal data that is relevant and essential to support the provision of our services and charitable aims. It is only obtained for a specific purpose and is processed fairly and lawfully and relevant to the purposes for which it is processed.

We aim to keep this accurate and up-to-date and do not hold this information any longer than is necessary.
Hearing Loss Cornwall seeks to comply with the letter and spirit of the General Data Policy Regulations

GDPR and Privacy Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Social Media Policy


"If your reflex is everyone feels lonely sometimes, you would be right. But you would also be understating the loneliness we feel."

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